Madman's Window in Glenarm, Northern Ireland

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Madman's Window in Glenarm, Northern Ireland

Peering into Madman's Window.

Walking along the Glenarm Coastal Path, a few miles south of the village of Glenarm, you'll come across two large limestone boulders. On the far side of these boulders is the "Madman's Window," a naturally created, window-shaped gap in the rock looking out towards the Irish Sea.

The geological oddity gets its nickname from a local tale about a man from the village who lost his sweetheart in the waters of Glenarm Bay. It is said that after this terrible accident, the heartbroken man, losing grip on his sanity, visited the rocky hole on a daily basis to stare blankly through the gap and out to sea, apparently waiting for his sweetheart to return to him.

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