AirlineReporter Goes to Ground School — Join Us!

description. - Photo: Aleksander Markin, Flickr CC.

Unlocking a childhood dream – Photo: Aleksander Markin / CC-BY-SA

“When were you bit by the aviation bug?” This question or some derivative of it comes up frequently when aviation-inclined folks find themselves engaged in chit-chat. It’s a question I have answered many times, but never with much regularity in my response. The truth is, it is hard to nail down any particular moment. After years of pondering the question, I now have my final answer.

Some of my earliest memories revolve around playing in my grandmother’s back yard near Phoenix, Arizona. I distinctly recall that one day I looked up at the clear blue sky to see a white line slowly being etched above. At the end of the line was something I could barely see. It fascinated me. Around age five, this was the first time I had seen such a thing. I had to know what this phenomenon was.

I ran inside and demanded attention from the whole family until finally, they joined me on the back deck. This was when I learned what a contrail was. People were on an airplane I could barely see. They were flying overhead leaving a long arrow across my sky. At that moment, I decided that I too wanted to fly.

And so it began…

Tools I'll learn how to use in ground school. Note: Already proficient in coffee. - Photo: Robert Allen / CC-BY-NC-ND

Tools I’ll learn how to use in ground school. Note: Already proficient in the use of coffee. – Photo: Robert Allen / CC-BY-NC-ND

Teaching myself to fly.

Shortly after learning about contrails and deciding that I, too, would fly, I tried to teach myself. This is another early memory which has stuck with me all of these years. I recall running up and down the hallway flapping my arms for hours. Eventually, my mother broke down and asked what exactly I thought I was doing. Teaching myself to fly, obviously! The disappointment that came with my mother explaining that humans can’t fly remains with me to this day.

Compromise: Let others fly me around.

My dream of flying never went away, but commercial flight seemed to appease it. I have been fortunate to have semi-frequent business and personal travel as an adult. Looking out the window, it turns out, never gets old. In this regard, I unlocked my childhood vision of being one of the people on a plane painting a contrail across the sky. Perhaps one of my contrails was the catalyst for the next generation of young enthusiasts?

BONUS: What’s outside your window?

The L-39 Albatros. Yes, totally unrealistic, but a guy can dream, can't he? - Photo: Daniel Mennerich / CC-BY-NC-ND

The L-39 Albatros. Yes, totally unrealistic. But a guy can dream, can’t he? – Photo: Daniel Mennerich / CC-BY-NC-ND

Going to ground school:

My #AvGeekToDoList is a mile long, but learning to fly is one of just a few items that share a spot on my formal bucket list as well. While I may not be capable of human-powered flight, piloting a plane has always seemed like a great backup plan. To that end, my AvGeek wife and I have enrolled in an eight-week ground school program at a local community college. Together we will unlock our shared goal.

For the moment, I have no major questions or expectations. But I wonder: Do you? If you too want to learn to fly but haven’t found the time to get around to it, what questions do you have?

Many of our readers (and writers, hi Manu!) are already licensed pilots. What sage words of wisdom would you share with two AvGeeks turned aspiring private pilots?

Where appropriate, I look forward to providing insights and follow-ups to AirlineReporter readers here and on Twitter via hashtag #JnJtoGroundSchool. Until then, happy flying!

The post AirlineReporter Goes to Ground School — Join Us! appeared first on AirlineReporter.

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