3 Links I Love: The Lion Air Crash, An A220 Mini-Series, WOW’s Plan

The Cranky Flier
3 Links I Love: The Lion Air Crash, An A220 Mini-Series, WOW’s Plan
Fri, 08 Feb 2019 11:45:43 +0000

This week’s featured link:

Behind the Lion Air Crash, a Trail of Decisions Kept Pilots in the Dark – The New York Times
This accident has fascinated me since it happened, and the picture is becoming more clear. While Boeing undoubtedly should have done more to make sure pilots knew this MCAS system was onboard, the accident still shouldn’t have happened. It looks more and more like pilot error combined with maintenance issues.

Two for the road:

‘Best in Class:’ Delta teams prep the A220 for launch in miniseries premiere – Delta News Hub
I love the C Series A220, and I haven’t even flown on it. But Delta isn’t hesitating to make sure everyone wants to get onboard. Here’s the first of a mini-series about bringing the A220 into the fleet. It started flying in revenue service this week.

Airlines’ ‘Mr. Fix It’ wants to save the world’s worst carrier – CNBC
There’s a lot in that headline that makes me cringe, but Leslie over at CNBC did talk to Bill Franke, the man the kept WOW Air from failing with a last second investment. And from his quotes, it sounds like the plan is to keep trying to make low-cost, long-haul flying work. He just wants to simplify everything. I’m sure there’s more to it than that, but I remain pretty skeptical that this is going to work.

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