Cranky on the Web: Rethinking Window Seats After Southwest 1380

The Cranky Flier
Cranky on the Web: Rethinking Window Seats After Southwest 1380

Window seat or aisle? After Southwest incident, some fliers think twice – CNN Money
If you read the title of this post and rolled your eyes, then we’re in the same boat. When I got the call saying some people were suggesting that they would reconsider window seats because of the death that occurred on Southwest 1380, I started to rant. The odds of something like this happening in the same exact way are so incredibly tiny. You’re more likely to die by getting run over by a cart in the aisle, or something else equally improbable and ridiculous. But, I did change my tune toward the end of my conversation. I think people should definitely start choosing aisles more. That leaves more window seat options for me.

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