Over One Million Londoners Could Protest Against Trump's UK Visit Next Month

One of our favourite banners from London's Trump protest in July 2018

Over one million Londoners could march in protest against the UK state visit of Donald Trump next month.

That's the finding of a YouGov poll, which concludes that 13% of all Londoners are 'totally likely' to take to the capital's streets to voice their disgust at the incumbent president, who's set to be in the country from 3-5 June.

Seriously Don, you might want to think twice about stepping off the plane. Image: Shutterstock

We shouldn't take that number as read; it's a weighted poll, which asked 1,015 Londoners in total (albeit across a spectrum of political leanings). Putting a final headcount on major protests can also prove problematic, as recent People's Vote figures have shown.

A Trump protest in London in 2018. Image: Shutterstock

Still, Londoners have already made their feelings towards POTUS heard during recent demonstrations, including a massive turnout in July 2018, which witnessed some of the best placards ever committed to cardboard.

Accusations against the 45th President of the United States range from misogyny to racism to inappropriate use of an umbrella. Trump has a 67% negative rating on the YouGov website. Other politicians liked by Trump fans on the site include Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un and Silvio Berlusconi.

She does, you know Donald

We've a feeling that some Londonist readers might join in with June's protest. "Oh bugger! Do we still have the balloon?" wondered one, on news of Trump's return to our shores — referencing the Trump Baby blimp that was flown next to Parliament.

Remember him? He could be returning to London five times bigger. Image: Shutterstock

Meanwhile, one of our readers from the States suggested: "You all are welcome to keep him. Possibly lock him in the Tower of London."

Beefeaters: your move.

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